The members of your Lyndhurst Police Department have embarked on a new initiative, which will further improve the Police-Community partnership in the City of Lyndhurst with the formation of the “Lyndhurst Police Foundation” – an organization built upon a vision of enhancing our police-community relationships within the City.

The primary mission of our foundation is built through our community outreach, it allows for improved communication, greater trust, and enhanced public safety in the city. We will achieve this by building upon our existing community partnerships, which will allow us to provide resources and programs to our youth, residents, and businesses in the City of Lyndhurst.

Lyndhurst Police Foundation



The Lyndhurst Police Foundation was established in 2020 and awarded our first scholarships in 2022.

The Lyndhurst Police Foundation re-established the Safety Town program in 2022 after a 25 year hiatus.  We assist families in need during the holiday season. We sponsor local sports teams and we donate to support student programs and trips.

The Lyndhurst Police Foundation is run by members of the Lyndhurst Police Department and members of the community.  If you want to volunteer in any capacity you can reach out by calling 440-473-5116 or by email at barnac@lyndhurstohio.gov.